Morning News
Fusce hendrerit adipiscing diam vitae sodales. Sed faucibus venenatis lectus sed laoreet. Sed in libero ac nisi placerat dictum. Donec dui neque, aliquam non nunc nec, porttitor tempor leo. Maecenas non sagittis neque.
Fusce hendrerit adipiscing diam vitae sodales. Sed faucibus venenatis lectus sed laoreet. Sed in libero ac nisi placerat dictum. Donec dui neque, aliquam non nunc nec, porttitor tempor leo. Maecenas non sagittis neque.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam lobortis ac tellus id tempor. Aliquam pellentesque nibh quis justo commodo tristique. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam ut justo aliquam, euismod dolor eget, ullamcorper tortor. Aliquam eu ipsum a urna lacinia aliquam id non dui.
Martedì 29 Maggio 2012 Ore 20.30 – Giulianova Paese – Piazza Buozzi Aspettando il Festival: “LE NOTE DELLA MODA” sfilata di moda con la partecipazione straordinaria della Banda”Città di Giulianova” diretta dal M.° Sergio PICCONE STELLA presenta Antonella CIOCCA Mercoledì 30 Maggio 2012 ore 20.30 – Giulianova Paese Cerimonia apertura Festival con Sfilata delle bande […]
Studia pianoforte e canto lirico sotto la guida del M° Anatolj Goussev con il quale si diploma brillantemente. E’ laureanda alla facoltà di lettere moderne dell’Università Statale di Milano. Ha frequentato corsi di recitazione e di danza all’Accademia “Teatrosempre” diretta da Piero Mazzarella e Rino Silveri. Dal 1998 lavora a livello professionistico nel mondo della […]
The majorette group “Angels” originated as an initiative of the town of Campia Turzii in 2006 with 15 girls between the ages of 14 and 18. Since then the group has grown to 19 girls between the ages of 13 and 20 and has participated in numerous local and national events. In 2008 the group […]
The “Youth Marine Brass Orchestra” from the town of Kedzierzyn-Kozle (Poland) was formed in 1974. It became soon well-know and admired among the inhabitants of the city of the towns in the nearby. The orchestral members have always consisted of the learners of the school and the school classes have been their workplace. Few years […]
adom Youth Band ‘Grandioso’ shows the best qualities of Radom. Masters ©f Poland, vìce-championshìps of Europe, fìnaiìsts of the World Championshìps. Grandioso originated in 1978, and works at Helena Stadnicka Memorial Culture Club. The ensemble consist of children and young people between 8 and 22 years old. Mrs Renata Macìejewska ìs ìts manager and Darìusz […]
The majorette group of Montpellier, called Major Girls, was founded in 1964. The group has participated in most of the great festivals in Spain: Cadiz, Barcelona, Murcia, Orence, Valencia, and for the past five years, the World Festival of Circuses in Madrid. The group has won a championship in France and placed third at the […]
Fin dal 1835, il gruppo bandistico “La Marchigiana” di Grottammare, ha sempre portato in alto il valore della buona musica. Diretti dal Maestro Giovanni Di Lorenzo,dal Luglio 2008, i 35 elementi che compongono l’Armonie di suoni”, conseguono, ad ogni apparizione,un notevole successo di pubblico. Motivo la si pu? meritatamente annoverare tra i migliori gruppi della […]
Their quick, precise and fun loving spirit makes the members of the musical folklore band , “la Velocissima di Rignano Flaminio”, true professionals. This band originated after a parade in costume at the Rignanese Carnival in 2000. The band was so well received during the masquerade that they decided to go “official”. Since then the […]
The Banda Musicale of Giulianova was founded in 2012 as a joint initiative between the local administration and the Juvenile Assosciation “I Sinfonici”. The band was precisely formed for the XIII International Festival of Musical Bands and consists of graduates of the Musical Conservatory. Sergio Piccone Stella, well known pianist and artistic director of the […]
The majorettes of Pomezia is une of the most famous of Lazio. The group is established in 1979 and grew up professionally in the music folk band “S.Cecilia” of Pomezia (Rome). Over the years, many girls have followed the group ali witli a passion for twirling, dance and travel. The group has spread its Joy […]
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