Banda musicale Città di Giulianova – Italia

The Banda Musicale of Giulianova was founded in 2012 as a joint initiative between the local administration and the Juvenile Assosciation “I Sinfonici”.

The band was precisely formed for the XIII International Festival of Musical Bands and consists of graduates of the Musical Conservatory. Sergio Piccone Stella, well known pianist and artistic director of the Abruzzese juvenile orchestra “I Sinfonici” since 1994 and ex director of the Institute of Music “G. Spontini”of Ascoli Piceno is the conductor.

Greeting from the Mayor of GIulianova

“The band plays an important and fundamental role in our society for getting people together without distinction of caste, culture or nationality through the universal language of sound and notes.” These words, written by Flavio Bar, musician, composer and director of various bands and orchestra, emphasize the importance of the band and its music and establish the prestige and importance of our XIII° International Festival of Musical Bands.

The Festival reaches out to peoples and cultures everywhere and is a joyous dialogue of many different musical traditions. From May 30th until June 3rd Giulianova is the undisputable capital of “brass” and is also a great opportunity for tourism trade in our town which is able to offer not only an artistic cultural event but excellent restaurants, beautiful countryside and fantastic sandy beaches.

Giulianova and the entire Abruzzo region owe a debt of gratitude to Mario Orsini and his collaborators for having created a winning “formula” and for, each year, dedicating much time and effort to present this splendid event, the International Festival of Musical Bands, which has received both national and international press coverage and prestigious sponsors.

I would like to offer my most cordial greetings to both my fellow citizens and our welcome guests and invite you all to enjoy the thrilling and colorful days of the Festival together.

Francesco Mastromauro

XIII° International Festival of Musical Bands

It is the most colorful and fun Festival on the Adriatic coast and for the 13th year offers a fantastic event filled with emotion. The International Festival of Musical Bands presents itself as a stage which welcomes bands from all over the world to Giulianova. These bands bring both traditions and innovation but, in particular, a message of Peace and Brotherhood.

Music takes center stage, in all its timbers and colors, a music which tells a tale of a world where differences are united and never divided.

The Festival is put on by the Cultural Association “Padre Candido Donatelli” with Mario Orsini as President. Gianni Tancredi, Michele Maruccia, Willy Barlafante, Francesco Rastelli, Laura Orsini, Andrea…………., Guido Orsini are his trusted helpers.