Traditional Marching Band “Vincenzo Bellini”

The marching band “V. Bellini” was founded in 1990 after the fusion of musicians from the old bands of Santa Elisabetta and Joppolo Giancaxio (near the small town of Agrigento) and until today it is the only township reality existing in the Province of Agrigento.

It is made up of about 50 musicians some of which are already graduated or are attending conservatories and music schools in Sicily.

In 1996 the band was invited by the “Trinacria Foundation” for a tour in Belgium, performing in the theaters of Charleroi and Liege and in the very same year the band performed in the streets and squares of Paris and Gardaland.

In 2000 the band took part to the “Giubileo delle Bande” in Rome.

In 2001, 2002 and 2003 it played for the Year Anniversaries of the “Carabinieri” and the “Guardia di Finanza” in Agrigento.

In 2005 the band took part to the 3rd National Contest of Cittanova called “Suoni d’Aspromonte” finishing in 3rd place for the 2nd category.

In October 2007, in collaboration with the “ANBIMA Sicilia”, the band organized the convention for regional masters and conductors of band and orchestra held by the Mr. Antonio Barbagallo, the conductor of the Italian Navy Band, performing the final concert at the “Teatro Pirandello” of Agrigento.

In February 2009 it took part to the 64th “Mandorlo in Fiore” Festival in Agrigento, performing during the lighting of the “Tripod of Friendship” in the presence of the Ambassador of Peace, Prem Rawat.

In March the band represented Italy at the “International Folklore Festival” of Tunisia, for the occasion of the anniversary of Tunisian Independence, marching through the streets of a few Tunisian towns such as Sousse, Hammamet, Ksar?Hellal and El Hamma de Gabes.

On April 7, 2009 the band was in Ispica (in province of Ragusa ? Sicily) for the 4th edition of a festival called “Musical Literature of Holy Week in Sicily.”

In 2010, in collaboration with the band “Giuseppe Verdi” of Milena, the band organized a “twinning” for the 4th anniversary of the founding of the City of “Santa Elisabetta”.

During march 2011, in the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the band took part to the “Tricolore Night” together with other marching bands in Catania ? Sicily.

Since 2007 the band is part of the “A.N.B.I.M.A. Sicily” and pursues a meritorious musical activity aiming to train and raise the consciousness of the young musicians in the villages of Agrigento, Joppolo and Santa Elisabetta.

The band is conducted by the master Carmelo Mangione, member of the Artistic Board of ANBIMA Sicily.