The Yorkshire Volunteers Band

The Yorkshire Volunteers Band performs throughout the UK and Europe in both concert and marching band formations and has played for Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth and other members of the Royal family. The band can trace its history back to 1860 when it was formed as a volunteer corps in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England and now forms an integral part of the Yorkshire Volunteers Association maintaining the long traditions of the Yorkshire Volunteers. The band adds a touch of pomp and circumstance to any event from traditional summer bandstand concerts to country shows with everything in between.
The YV Fanfare Trumpets perform at formal events with the Dixieland Jazz Band creating a party atmosphere at less formal functions. The Dance Band “Yorkshire Swing” nostalgically recreate the big band era, the swinging sixties and beyond.
The Yorkshire Volunteers Corps of Drums appear in both scarlet tunics and 1940s battle dress for parades, beating the retreat and black light display. YV Brass provide music for dinner nights, receptions or anywhere a smaller ensemble is required.