Dechový orchestr ZUŠ Vimperk – The Brass Band music school Vimperk
The Brass Band music school Vimperk arised in 1991. In 1997 – after six years – the first success occured, when the Orchestra won the national preview of brass bands called Čermákovo Vysoké Mýto. Since that time they have won the competition in Vysoké Mýto seven times. They have also got a run of wins in the competition of ZUŠ /basic art schools – being proclaimed by MŠMT – the Ministry of Education. The Orchestra won the first place three times, in 1998, 2001, 2014, the second place once in 2004 and the third place three times in 2007, 2010, 2017 in the central round. They also performed in the Spanish Hall in Prague Castle as a winner of the Concerto Bohemia Competition in 1998. They won the golden band in international competitions (Děčín 2001, Prague 2001, 2006, 2016). In 2003 they got the silver band in Ostrava where an international brass orchestra competition has been taken a part. They won the same prize in Prague in 2008. The Orchestra also got the golden band in the international competition Young Prague in 2009. They were also successful in Leszno, Poland / the golden band 2005, 2010 / and they are proud of the laureate title in the march competition Gorzóva Wielkopolski in 2009 and of two second places in competitions Mid Europe 2010 held in Schladming, Austria, and Brasmusicfest 2010 held in Trogir, Croatia.
The Orchestra regularly participates in prestigious brass band previews in the Czech Republic. They regularly perform abroad: Germany, Italy, France, Luxemburg, Poland, Austria.