Founded in 1975 with 18 young musicians, the Band had its debut in a Christmas parade in the same year, marking the beginning of a career that is still continuing today. Since then, the band has performed in many events of different nature. Internationally it performed in cities such as Los Angeles and San Diego CA, at the famous Holtville Carrot Festival, where it won 3rd place in 2017, and during the traditional Christmas parade in the city of Calexico CA.
The band also participated in events in the presence of various authorities, such as government secretaries, deputies, mayors, the Mexican Consul in Calexico, the Governor of the State of Baja California Héctor Téran, and the President of the Republic Luis Esposito. The band has improved year after year thanks to the support of teachers, managers, parents and students.
Currently it is directed by Master Gerson Ramirez Yáñez, who joined the project in December 2011, and it is composed of first, second and third year students of # 50 Secundaria, currently counting 140 members. As a school project, it helps students achieve better school results and certainly helps them within their social context. They develop musical skills, sense of teamwork and civic training, and at the same time, to be part of this group, they have to achieve excellent results in all areas, attitude and good behavior, proving that music and arts are fundamental to help students stay away from crime and drugs.
Currently it is the oldest musical group in its town that is still active, many students and alumni are or were children of founding students, thus continuing the tradition. Among the former members of the band there are esteemed professionals in various fields, who today are part of the community and work for its good. Over the years the band has received many trophies, diplomas and compliments, giving much prestige and incentive to the Secundary School # 50 “Lic. José F. Guajardo”, and above all it is an example to follow for the youth of Mexicali. It is an honor for the band to participate in the Festival of Musical Bands of Giulianova in 2018.